mmm ud lama ga isi blog nech...
kadang rajin, kadang malas hehehe... penyakit berbahaya nech...
lagi kerajingan Facebook nech...ternyata asyik jg.. bisa ketemu banyak teman lama dan berinteraksi langsung dgn mereka..
Dunia Maya memang sudah canggih sekali ya..
Oh ya, saya juga sedang sibuk di bursa saham belakangan ini, walaupun market masih belum jelas tapi thanks God bgt, I still can survive :)
sekarang lagi tertarik untuk belajar Future jg, karena sistemnya bekerja almost 24 jam, so kapan aja dan dimana aja bis amake money dech...
Internet emank canggih banget!!! can make everything possible!
salam dasyaaattt selalu untuk teman-teman di luar sana! keep the good works!
Selasa, 24 Februari 2009
Rabu, 18 Februari 2009
Frenstore yang lagi in (2)
Setelah ikutan program frenstore beberapa hari, memang benar-benar terbukti bahwa kita mendapatkan hasilnya. padahal saya tidak melakukan promosi yang gencar, hanya memasang url-nya di social network yang saya ikut. saya rasa ini layak dicoba.
semoga bermanfaat buat teman-teman.
semoga bermanfaat buat teman-teman.
Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009
Frenstore yang lagi in...
Frenstore adalah suatu program seperti social network dimana kita bisa mempunyai banyak teman dan mencari teman dari seluruh pelosok. Tetapi di Frenstore ini, bedanya adalah semakin banyak teman yang anda miliki semakin besar juga penghasilan anda, karena program ini memungkinkan setiap orang untuk memperoleh penghasilan. Dan bila anda ingin memperkenalkan produk atau jasa lainnya dapat anda promosikan lewat frenstore juga. So, selain untuk menjaring banyak teman juga sebagai salah satu tempat untuk berpromosi dan yang lebih asyiknya lagi adalah anda dibayar untuk melakukannya.
silahkan cari melihat kesempatan di FRENSTORE ini, siapa tau ini adalah salah satu solusi untuk anda dan orang-orang yang anda cintai.
silahkan cari melihat kesempatan di FRENSTORE ini, siapa tau ini adalah salah satu solusi untuk anda dan orang-orang yang anda cintai.
Rabu, 28 Januari 2009
Hepi Chinesee New Year!
Hope this year will be more and more graceful.
My journey in internet business marketing is still so young, so I have to learn more n more much from the expert. But I think I'm very thankful that I still can do think I like to do and get benefit of it.
For me, learning more is good and always practice will make it perfect!
So friends, never give up on your faith, keep searching and searching!
Life is too short to enjoy it!
I'm just joint one of the social network that can pay you for every activity you do, It's based in Surabaya, Indonesia. I'll inform when it really a good web, then I'll recommended it to you. just wait couple of days ok!
cu guys,
My journey in internet business marketing is still so young, so I have to learn more n more much from the expert. But I think I'm very thankful that I still can do think I like to do and get benefit of it.
For me, learning more is good and always practice will make it perfect!
So friends, never give up on your faith, keep searching and searching!
Life is too short to enjoy it!
I'm just joint one of the social network that can pay you for every activity you do, It's based in Surabaya, Indonesia. I'll inform when it really a good web, then I'll recommended it to you. just wait couple of days ok!
cu guys,
Kamis, 22 Januari 2009
Hi there, how's goin on today?
I've something new how to make money easily... just joint the, it's free and easy. After that all you have to do is upload and then share them with other, easy right? and don't forget, you'll get paid for doing this.
This is so fun...And this is completely free of charge hehehee...
so, don't waste your time just click here to joint
nice try and catch up with you soon.
I've something new how to make money easily... just joint the, it's free and easy. After that all you have to do is upload and then share them with other, easy right? and don't forget, you'll get paid for doing this.
This is so fun...And this is completely free of charge hehehee...
so, don't waste your time just click here to joint
nice try and catch up with you soon.
Selasa, 20 Januari 2009
OBAMA...Yessss we can!!!!
I'm very excited of Obama's Inauguration, the whole world is watching his vow being the 44th of USA number one person.
Personally, I'm very optimist of his ability to change the world.
Hope his dream and our dream will come true, no more war, peace on earth, the green green world, and many more.
I'm very excited of Obama's Inauguration, the whole world is watching his vow being the 44th of USA number one person.
Personally, I'm very optimist of his ability to change the world.
Hope his dream and our dream will come true, no more war, peace on earth, the green green world, and many more.
Rabu, 14 Januari 2009
Common Topic "Banjir booo.."
mmm....banjir lagi..banjir lagi....
jakarta gichu lho...ud langganan hahaha..
so, what are you doing guys? ad yang kejebak macet, ada yg ga bisa kemane2, ada pula yang rumahnya kerendam :)
well, buat semua, semoga this flood tidak lama and everybody hepi...
moga2 juga ga mati lampu, kalo ga,mmm..back to jaman batu dech.
bengong aje di rumah :) wakaka..
luckily g msh bisa nyalain laptop n melihat perkembangan saham g, ternyata cuacanya ga beda jauh, masih mendung agak tebal :) so, sesuai perkiraan byk investor, wait and see aja dl :) ato ini waktunya ngeborong??? prediksinya sich kalo di amrik bisa green green grass, berhubung akan dilantiknya Obama, hopefully di Indo ngikut yaa....aminnn..
buat temen2 di luar sana, keep creative and keep your improvement.
will be right back soon
jakarta gichu lho...ud langganan hahaha..
so, what are you doing guys? ad yang kejebak macet, ada yg ga bisa kemane2, ada pula yang rumahnya kerendam :)
well, buat semua, semoga this flood tidak lama and everybody hepi...
moga2 juga ga mati lampu, kalo ga,mmm..back to jaman batu dech.
bengong aje di rumah :) wakaka..
luckily g msh bisa nyalain laptop n melihat perkembangan saham g, ternyata cuacanya ga beda jauh, masih mendung agak tebal :) so, sesuai perkiraan byk investor, wait and see aja dl :) ato ini waktunya ngeborong??? prediksinya sich kalo di amrik bisa green green grass, berhubung akan dilantiknya Obama, hopefully di Indo ngikut yaa....aminnn..
buat temen2 di luar sana, keep creative and keep your improvement.
will be right back soon
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